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PyGETS Users Guide


1. Introduction

PyGETS is an application for doing three things:

The following guide sections will explain how each of these tasks can be easily accomplished in PyGETS. If you just want to jump right in and start downloading e-texts, continue with the Quick Start section. If you want more help, skip to the more detailed sections you're interested in.

2. Quick Start

Follow these steps to begin building your own collection of e-texts from Project Gutenberg. If you don't understand any step, check the more detailed descriptions given in later sections of this guide.

  1. Start the PyGETS program (by either entering pygets.pyw on the command line or selecting PyGETS from the PyGE group of Windows Start).
  2. Load the sample e-text information data file gutenberg.xml from the SampleData directory. Left click on File menu, click on Open..., select file from dialog window and click on OK button.
  3. Filter the entries shown by entering search strings (case is important) in the "Author" or "Title" text fields, or a year in the "Release Year" field, or pick a particular "File Type" to look for. Filtering will begin when Enter key is pressed in a text input field, or when the Select button is clicked.
  4. Select an entry from the display list to download by left clicking on it with the mouse.
  5. Check box for "Get zipped file" if compressed e-text file is desired.
  6. Left click on Download button to get e-text.
  7. Repeat steps 3-7 as needed until finished.