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PyGEMZ Users Guide


1. Introduction

PyGEMZ is an application for converting e-text files downloaded from Project Gutenberg into zTxt files for reading on a personal computer or PDA device. The conversion process involves the following steps:

The following guide sections will explain how conversion to zTxt files can be easily accomplished in PyGEMZ. If you just want to jump right in and start converting e-texts, continue with the Quick Start section. If you want more help, skip to the more detailed sections you're interested in.

2. Quick Start

Follow these steps to begin converting e-texts downloaded from Project Gutenberg. If you don't understand any step, check for more detailed descriptions given in later sections of this guide.

  1. Start the PyGEMZ program (by either entering pygemz.pyw on the command line or selecting PyGEMZ from the PyGE group of Windows Start).
  2. Enter the location of the e-text file to be converted in the field labeled "Input File", or open file browser by clicking on the Choose... button. Click on OK button in file browser to select input file.
  3. If file name in "Output File" field is not right, enter correct output file name, or open file browser and choose an existing file name to use.
  4. Enter PDA document title in "Palm Title" field.
  5. Click on Convert button and wait for "Done" to appear in bottom status line.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for other e-texts to be converted.