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6. Text Search

PyGERS provides a simple text search facility which finds occurrences of text strings within the contents of an e-text.

6.1. Performing a Search

Text searching involves a few basic steps:

  1. changing the currently displayed page to where the search should start,
  2. invoking the View->Find menu command,
  3. entering a search string into the Find dialog "Search for" field,
  4. clicking on the Find dialog Find button to begin search,
  5. repeating step 4. to continue searching for as long as needed.

An example view of a Find dialog is shown in the figure below.

PyGERS Find dialog

The Find dialog box may be closed and the search process stopped by clicking on the Cancel button of the dialog.

6.2. Results

Search requests will produce either successful or unsuccessful results.

6.2.1 Successful

If a search is successful in finding a text string before reaching the end of an e-text, the currently displayed page will be changed to the page where the string was located. The located string will appear highlighted inside the main text display area.

6.2.2 Unsuccessful

If a search is unsuccessful, a message box similar to the one shown below will appear, inquiring if the search should be restarted from the beginning (or end on a backward search) of an e-text.

PyGERS not found msg

Clicking on the Yes button will continue the search, while clicking on the No button will stop it.